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Your support is important.

Your support is necessary to protect our homeschooling rights in Tennessee! We build and keep relationships with our state representatives to let them know they serve a large community here in Tennessee who value our right to choose how we will educate our own children.

We inform you if any action is needed to stand up for your rights.

Without your support none of this would be possible. SMHEA is here for all homeschoolers.

Help support our efforts with your yearly membership of just $30.


SMHEA is a chapter of THEA.


Membership in Tennessee Home Education Association (THEA) is included with your membership in SMHEA. A portion of your dues go to support this state organization, which is responsible for monitoring legislation at the state level. We also have a strong working relationship with HSLDA to keep us informed about legislation at the federal level.






This work is very important in protecting our freedoms.


We  support the homeschool community by educating about the laws, connecting you to umbrella schools, co-ops or tutorials, and helping to organize events in your area. SMHEA is a completely volunteer organization. With out volunteers we can't serve.  If you would like to get involved by volunteering please submit your request below.


We Need You!

Would you like to Volunteer?

If you are interested in volunteering for SMHEA ,

fill out the form below, let us know where you can serve,  and we will get in touch with you.


Ways you can help...


  • Assist with coordinating and planning events.

  • Be available to support new homeschool families.

  • Share your abilities and skills with other homeschool families.

Thanks for applying! We’ll be in touch soon.

Online Homework
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